We are a month into 2017, and I have made a few changes already to try to simplify and minimize my life. I have been getting rid of excess items that have been causing clutter. One thing that most people …
Taking your Motorcycle out of Storage
It’s almost spring, which means it’s almost time to take that motorcycle out of storage and give it a tuneup and a once over to make sure it’s safe to drive. You’ll also want to ensure that you’ve still got …
11 Ways to dress up hot chocolate
The kids are in bed, and you’re scouring the house for something sweet, to no avail. Leftover Halloween candy, even some chocolate chips? All out. Aha! You find hot chocolate packets you bought for snow days last year. …
Migraine Life
If you suffer from migraines you know the daily struggle dealing with them is. Whether it’s nursing a migraine, or avoiding triggers – it consumes you. If you have never had a migraine in your life, read on. I …
Back-to-School Lunch Ideas
The school year has barely begun, and you may already be wracking your brains trying to come up with ideas to send in your child’s lunch. If only you could pack them a peanut butter sandwich and an …
How to prepare for a puppy
So you have done your research and you are ready to bring a puppy into your home. Before bringing in this new friend into your home, there are a few things you will need and to be sure your puppy …
Back-To-School with @Netflix_CA #StreamTeam
It’s almost that time of year where kids go back to school! Is anyone else as excited as I am? I have 3 kids going to school this year – YAY! For first timers, school may seem a little scary. …
30+ Money Saving Tips
I consider myself a frugal person. I like to save money in ways people may not have thought about. For instance, I don’t buy dog treats, I buy a giant bag of baby carrots ; it’s multi-use and healthier! Whether …
Spring Savings with saveONenergy
Spring is here, which means most people are currently (or will be very soon) doing their spring cleaning. This is a good time to start a new home project. Have you ever thought about how much energy you are using …
The Ultimate List of Coconut Oil Uses!
Coconut oil is the most used item in my house between myself, by boyfriend and our pets. It has so many great uses. Although, when I mention to people we use coconut oil for so many things, a majority of …