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Easy Tips To Transform Your Deck For Fall

Image via Pexels – CC0 Licence

It’s that time of year when the seasons start to shift, the nights start drawing in, and everything gets a little bit cosier. If you’ve been enjoying using your garden for cookouts and parties during the summer months, it doesn’t have to end here. Fall is the perfect time to use your deck a bit more and create a cozy hangout. It doesn’t take much to transform your deck and make it ready for entertaining in the new season – start now and you could be entertaining outside next weekend!

Give Your Deck A Makeover

If your deck area is looking a little bit tired, it could be high time for a fall refresh project to add to your chores. Restrain the wood of your deck and give it a coat of sealant to make it look as good as new now, and also weatherproof it for the coming winter. Make any small repairs good at the same time. It could also be transformative to add some soft lighting – either strings of LED lights that can give a party atmosphere, or oversize storm lanterns you can pack with pillar candles for a welcoming glow. Or you could look at lighting up your deck and garden pathway with outdoor solar lights for a modern look.

Make It Cozy

Creating a warm, welcoming feel for your deck will make it the place all your guests want to hang out. Try adding an adirondack chair for that rustic feel, or a rug with a heap of floor pillows for more informal seating options. If you make sure that guests are comfortable, they will definitely want to stay. It’s also a good idea to place a wicker basket full of blankets on your deck in case guests want to ward off the evening chill.

Create Zones

Just like larger areas of open plan space inside the home, the best way to make your deck feel instantly geared up for socializing is to create ‘zones’ in the space. Try a seating corner at one end, a dining area with a table and chairs and your grill at the other. If you want to go one further, you could also create partial screening using trelising with plants trained to grow up it – passionflower or honeysuckle for a traditional look, bamboo for something more modern. Or you could use some partition screens to section off space and create more intimate areas for conversation.

Add A Focal Point

One way to gather people together is to give a focal point, and features such as a fire pit are great for that. You’re encouraging people to gravitate together and have a conversation. A stylish chiminea also makes a great addition, and helps to warm people up against any evening breezes. There’s something primeval about fire that draws people together and puts them in the mood to talk. If you don’t want an open fire, a lighting feature such as a bunch of lanterns and potted plants can work in a similar way.

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  1. […] totally overgrown. Simple things like keeping your lawn trimmed and keeping it clear of weeds or cleaning your deck can make a huge difference. Not only that but there are plenty of things that you can do in order […]

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