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Used Appliances – Individuals vs Dealers

Let’s say you’re moving into a new place, and all your appliances are either obsolete, broken, or nonexistent. So let’s look at your options for buying those appliances. 

When it comes time for you to find reliable used appliances, you have two ways to buy used appliances: buy from individuals (eBay , Craigslist ), or from a reputable appliance store.

If you decide to buy from an individual, there may be some good deals out there – but beware of scams because people prey on unsuspecting buyers who don’t know much about used appliances. Buying from an individual, you have no warranty protection, which means that if something goes wrong with the appliance it would be up to you to maintain and repair any damage. In most cases, this would cost more than simply replacing the item at a reputable dealer.

If you decide to go with a reputable dealer, if possible, look for used appliances that are still under warranty with the manufacturer. You should also check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have received any complaints about the business in question. If you want to make sure you don’t get ripped off, go with a trusted appliance dealer. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find at reputable dealers. If possible, look for an appliance dealer that specializes in used appliances; but if you need something specific, don’t be afraid to go with a trusted small-ad source.


There are some advantages to purchasing appliances second-hand. For instance, with the high cost of modern appliances, it can be hard for some people to afford them so used models can be seen as quite a bargain. Depending on where you buy an appliance, you may also have the chance to haggle with the salesperson and lower your overall costs even more.

With everything considered. If you are on a tight budget and can only afford a second-hand appliance, go with a dealer. You will have fewer problems in the long run and you will get the best bang for your buck! So whether you have are replacing an appliance because it’s old, or you don’t have one for your new place, second hand is the way to go! 

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